The Four Things You Need on your Website Home Page

A lot of new business owners aren't ready to invest in professional branding and website design. And that's okay. Lucky for you there are a lot of DIY options out there like Squarespace and Showit. If you must go it alone there are certain rules of the road you don't want to ignore. Without further ado, here are the four things your home page absolutely needs to have:⁠⠀

⁠⠀→What you do. Seems simple, but if you've ever visited a webpage only to click off of it thinking 'WTF do they even DO?' then you know why this is so important.⁠⠀

⁠⠀→Who you do it for. Your services aren't for everyone. You should be speaking directly to your target audience. Call them out so they know that you provide services/products that are perfect for them, specifically.⁠⠀

⁠⠀→How it works. What is it like to work with you? Break your process down into 3-5 simple steps so they can envision what it's like to be your client.⁠⠀

⁠⠀→Call to action. Don't forget to tell your website visitors what to do next. Book a call? Sign up for your course? Make it clear and easy for them to take the next step.⁠⠀

⁠If you already have all four of these then you're off to a good start! For more website design tips and marketing help follow along on Instagram


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